A million thanks to darling Duru for reminding about and spurring on me to putting up April's post for the 15 for 15 challenge! As I have only a few hours left, I'm just going to do a short but picture heavy post of our visit (with my sister), two weekends ago to Bruges.
According to Wiki, Bruges is a historic city and a prominent UNESCO World Heritage Site, and honestly it looks the part. I first went there three springs ago when I visited with friends and we spent a few days in the city, managing to fit in a 50km(!) cycle tour, and going all the way to the Netherlands. The year after that, T was already living in Brussels and together with another friend, I visited and ended up doing a day trip to Bruges. This time it was my sister's turn, and since train journeys in Belgium are cheap (at least compared to the UK), we decided to go for the day... so basically, I have visited the city three times in 3 consecutive years. Now if my blog says anything about me, it is that I love travelling, and have a desire to explore as much of the earth as possible (this by the way is why I hardly ever return to the same places, at least not without a considerable lapse of time). However beautiful Bruges, nicknamed the Venice of the North for its many canals, has managed to charm me Every. Single. Time. Anyway enough talking, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves and convince you. Please click to enlarge and enjoy!